

Contributors: Tom Wilson, Luke Cassady-Dorion, PBillingsby, Panda, Patrick Skinner
Last Updated:

Hello World (Code)

This guide walks you through a quick way to get a static HTML, CSS and JavaScript webpage on to the permaweb using a few lines of code and a command-line interface (CLI).


  • NodeJSopen in new window LTS or greater
  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • A text editor (VS Code, Sublime, or similar)


Using a terminal/console window create a new folder called hello-world.


cd hello-world
npm init -y
mkdir src && cd src
touch index.js index.html style.css

Next open your text editor and import the hello-world directory.

Generate a wallet

node -e "require('arweave').init({}).wallets.generate().then(JSON.stringify).then(console.log.bind(console))" > wallet.json

The wallet.json file must be in the root of the hello-world folder and not inside of your src folder.

Create a webpage

This webpage is using basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create a styled button that when you click it the header text changes color. Once finished, we will be using Irys and our previously generated wallet to deploy a fully functioning, static and permanent webpage to Arweave.

Paste the code from the following code blocks into their files:


Click to view HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
    <script src="index.js"></script>
    <title>Cookbook Hello World!</title>

    <button onclick="changeColor()" class="button">Click Me!</button>
    <h1 id="main">Hello World!</h1>


Click to view CSS
.button {
  padding: "10px";
  background-color: #4caf50;


Click to view JS
function changeColor() {
  const header = document.getElementById("main"); === ""
    ? ( = "red")
    : ( = "");

Now that there is a static site to deploy, it can be checked to ensure it all functions properly by typing open src/index.html in your console/terminal. If everything is working as expected it is time to deploy to Arweave!

Upload using permaweb-deploy



You just published a static site on Arweave using a few commands and a few lines of code!