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Contributors: Luke Cassady-Dorion
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Irys Provenance Toolkit

The Irys Provenance Toolkit is a NextJS project containing a collection of UI components you can use when building your permaweb application.

It contains UI components for:


You can interact with the provenance toolkit at https://provenance-toolkit.irys.xyzopen in new window


  1. Fork or clone in new window
  2. Run npm install or yarn from within the project directory
  3. Rename .env.local.example to .env.local and follow the configuration instructions in that file
  4. Run npm run start from within the project directory
  5. Launch the Provenance Toolkit at http://localhost:3000/open in new window

Project Layout

ArDrive Web App Manifest

The project is broken into three main categories:

  • Components: The UI components. These can be added to your project and used as is.
  • Navigation routes: NextJS navigation routing. If you’re building your own project on top of the Provenance Toolkit, you can delete these routes and create your own.
  • Utils: Utility functions used by the UI components.


The components are designed with a minimal UI that can be easily incorporated into any design. If you need to make significant UI customizations, the docs for each componentopen in new window contain a description of the code.

To change colors, modify the values in tailwind.config.js.

Utility Functions

The following utility functions are used internally by the components. If you're using the components as-is, you can safely ignore the utility functions. For users customizing the components, these functions provide an additional abstraction layer over our SDK.

  • titleCase.ts: Converts a string to title case
  • getRpcUrl.ts: Returns the RPC URL for the chain associated with the specified token.
  • getIrys.ts: Instantiates an Irys object using the parameters in .env.local. Currently designed to work with the Ethers 5 provider. You use a different provider, modify code here.
  • fundAndUpload.ts: Determines the upload cost for the specified data, funds the node if needed, and then uploads the file.
  • gaslessFundAndUpload.ts: Using the private key supplied in .env.local, determines the upload cost for the specified data, funds the node if needed, and then uploads the file.
  • queryGraphQL.ts: Uses the Irys query package to search based on parameters entered in the UI